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The Simplest Social Media Trick

A simple trick for you to make your social media posts work better and get you more listings:

Try using the words ‘me’ and ‘I’ a little less and more ‘you’ and ‘your’.

You will win so big!

Have you noticed how many times I've used the word ‘you’ in this post so far?

Let me show what it could have looked like...

‘I tried this social media trick that worked for me to get me more sales. I'd the same as me if you want more listings’

Can you see the difference?

Yet, so few people are employing this in their posts and complain that they aren't seeing the engagement they want. 

As a consumer, but more importantly a human being - you know that people respond better when they are being spoken with and NOT when they are being spoken to and hearing about someone else's experiences without being afforded the chance to envision yourself in their shoes has never encouraged, inspired or motivated anyone to do what you are trying to get them to do. 

What are your thoughts and tactics?