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The #1 Worst Reason NOT to Post on Social Media

"I am $hite at writing stuff - that's why I don't post on social media"

Writing is a craft, I replied to the estate agency scared to post.

Like sewing, music, or cooking, we don't become better writers by practicing.

Rather, writers become better by practicing what they already know.

Practicing the Writing Craft in 6 Easy Steps

Step 1: Read

Read. Read. Read. And read some more.

A critical step in becoming a good writer is to read.

Never stop reading. Reading will make any writer a better writer.

A good writer is a reader.

Step 2: Write

Write. Write.

Writing is, by far, my favourite task. Writing is relaxing, satisfying, and uniquely challenging in one sense:

Because there's an end, you want an end.

You want to be that person who "gets it" when writing and reaches the mark of "good". You can attain that mark by writing.

But be careful, because each writer wants a different mark.

Which leads us to our next essential step:

Step 3: Read

Reading in your genre

Reading on the same subject matter and in the same genre as your writing is essential.

By studying and writing in the same field, you begin to understand the trends and styles and hone your craft.

Reading puts your vocabulary into fresh contexts and helps you better understand your chosen field.

Step 4: Craft your writing

Write. Write. Write. And write some more.

Writing is the creative aspect, and this is where you begin to learn what words mean and how they fit together.

Find your voice.

Step 5: Read and revise

Read your final draft through slowly several times.

Try reading through without the distraction of spelling or grammar. Concentrate on the meaning of the words, and flow.

Step 6: Proofread

This step is the finishing touch.

Proofreading involves checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, and consistency.

Compare your draft with the reading you have done.

Does it make sense?

There you go, I hope that helped