Bragging is not Social Proof
Some estate agents claim that posting Rightmove pie charts is "social proof," citing Robert Cialdini’s book Influence as justification.
A bloody marvellous book
But let’s look at this a bit deeper
Cialdini defines social proof as 'people looking to the behaviour of others to decide what is correct'.
True social proof comes from OTHERS endorsing you—not you shouting about yourself.
When you broadcast RM pie charts and say, “Look how much better we are than our competitors,” it’s not social proof; it’s boasting.
The most powerful form of social proof is 3rd party validation.
Cialdini really emphasises the improtance of testimonials, reviews, and visible evidence of trust—when others publicly vouch for you without prompting.
Bragging about your pie chart performance, by contrast, comes across as self serving and erodes trust.
Even Matthew Syed, the amazing author of Bounce, has highlighted how excessive self promotion can create a backlash effect.
It signals insecurity, ego and desperation for approval, rather than genuine authority or competence.
The truth is, Rightmove pie charts don’t resonate with homeowners. They don’t care how you compare to your competitors; they care how YOU will help THEM.
Want real social proof? Share success stories of your vendors and buyers and data that directly BENEFITS (and the next word is the magic word) YOUR audience.
Anything else just makes you look self absorbed.
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So, stop posting RM pie charts. They don’t win hearts—or instructions.