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Storytelling gets you more landlords .. fact

Those of you that read what I have to ramble, in my thoughts on how to be a better letting agent, will know my passion of storytelling, and how story telling can get you tangible business, more landlords ringing you for market appraisals and for the estate agency department, more potential vendors ringing you for a good old free val...

So in previous posts, I have discussed why you should tell stories. In this ramble, I want to talk about what makes a good story 

Good stories accomplish something because they are able to capture the imagination of a decent number or important groups of people. A good story is true. Not necessarily because it’s factual, but because it’s unfailing and genuine. Landlords and vendors are too good at sniffing out contradictions for an estate agent or a letting agent to get away with a story that’s just slapped on.

Good stories make a promise. They promise security, pleasure or fun  (although I wouldn't say lettings is fun). The promise needs to be bold and brave. It’s either extraordinary or it’s not worth listening to.

Good stories are trusted... (which is the No.1 thing landlords want ... an agent thy can trust). Trust is the scarcest resource we’ve got left. No one trusts anyone. People don’t trust the spokespeople on TV adverts. As a result, no estate agent or a letting agent succeeds in telling a story unless he has earned the credibility to tell that story.

Good stories are subtle. Surprisingly, the fewer details a estate agent or a letting agent spells out, the more powerful the story becomes. Talented estate agents or a letting agents understand that allowing people to draw their own conclusions is far more effective than announcing the punch line.

Good stories don’t always need fancy coffee table lifestyle mags with your a stock of property in, nor does it need the punter to come and see you face to face before they decide to buy. Either you are ready to listen or you aren’t.

Good stories are rarely aimed at everyone. Average people are good at ignoring you. Average people have too many different points of view about life and average people are by and large satisfied. If you need to water down your story to appeal to everyone, it will appeal to no one. The most effective stories match the world view of a tiny audience, landlords and potential sellers, and then that tiny audience spreads the story.

Good stories don’t contradict themselves. If your letting agent office is in the right location but your staff is made up of rejects from a used car lot, you lose. Punters are clever and they’ll see through your deceit at once.

Most of all, good stories agree with our own view. The best stories don’t teach people anything new. Instead, the best stories agree with what the audience already believes and makes the reader (the landlord or potential vendor) feel smart and secure when reminded how right they were in the first place.

I teach that the story they have to write has to be all these things. I have helped many people over the months and I know this storytelling lark training cant be done in a quick one hour session, its an ongoing process over weeks and months. Is it worth it? .. well do it well and we have seen a near tripling of new business coming through our door in 9 months. However, unless you believe the story you are writing, well, it isnt worth telling.