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Learn How To Become A Recession Proof Estate Agent


A message to every Estate Agent born after 1990

Loads of people are talking about the potential recession and getting ready for pay cuts and redundancies in Estate Agency

I got made redundant from my Branch Manager role in 2009

Yet in hindsight, I now know why

I had become an ‘order taker’ estate agent.

I worked for one of the biggest brands in my town (And Country) and valuations just rolled in. I didn’t have to go out hunting for the business it just came to me over the preceding nine years.

I had become lazy

At the time the redundancy hit me hard, and it affected my relationship with my wife as I turned to drinking to solve my problems.

That’s not something I want to deal with again therefore I share with you the story of what you can do to ensure you remain fully employed and earn decent money as the cost of living bites

So you remain not just employed but take the massive advantages these harder times will bring

Question - I dare you to look back at your last 53 valuations and ask how many of them have come from your direct involvement of either generating it yourself or the person directly contacting you personally through social media?

The winners are the ones who pick up the phone and learn how to make new listings, and mortgage opportunities.

Half of all of the properties that are coming onto the market and will sell in the next two years will have only been in their property for six years 18 weeks or less.

You need to be looking at every single person who’s bought a house from you in the last seven years, putting their telephone number in your mobile phone, and building relationships with those people.

Not ringing them to see if they want to sell but informing us of what is happening in the property market to their house and what’s happening in the neighbourhood.

Use the power of WhatsApp broadcast lists to do one message to hundreds of people at one time.

Use the power of technology to your advantage

Utilise video

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best

Wake up

Refresh yourself on how to use the telephone 📞 and even video

Learn how to become a recession-proof estate agent