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Fearful Estate Agents

 Doing the thing you are afraid of cures worries about doing it — It’s absurd, yet all of us know, be it asking someone on a date as a teenager or our first free val, the thing we worry about, it’s not nearly as hard as we thought it would be. 

I bang in about utilising video in your agency marketing. I was putting it off for years, yet on the 23rd December 2016, I made my first video. The actual act of starting and publishing my first video made it easier to keep going. 

How many of you have done a video and Always end up deleting it because you sounds strange or you had a few urrrs in it?

Don’t forget, thinking about doing something makes the worry worse.

PS let me tell you a secret- I still don’t listen to my own videos back. I don’t like the sound of my own voice and I don’t like the way I look. Yet that doesn’t stop me doing the videos - as it shouldn’t you