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All Estate Agents Are Different, or Are They?

Estate Agency is a game of too many competitors battling for a diminishing number of prospective house sellers.

The stark fact is there is a glut of Estate Agents in the property market which has resulted in prospective vendors treating Estate Agents as a commodity.

It is a hard pill to swallow, yet the truth is that no matter how different you believe you and your agency are, your prospective vendor still believes that all Estate Agents are the same

We use the free val therefore to prove our differentiation, yet talk to vendors and they say most Estate Agents look and sound the same on the free val

Us agents all blur into one

You work for a good Estate Agency, and your competitor also works for a good Estate Agency.

You have sold some really great houses for decent prices, and your competitors have also sold similar great properties at similar great prices

You both have a High Street office

You both go on every portal

Both Professional Photography .. etc etc

In essence. you and your competitor agents each have the "perfect solution" that is a "perfect fit" for the vendor you are both pursuing.

So how do you prove you are different?

This can be done two ways, although I want focus on just one for this article


In the free val you have to prove your worth, especially if you want to charge a higher fee.

The lister who creates the greatest value for the potential house seller inside the free val conversation is the one most likely to win the listing

The simple fact is, it is you and what value you prove in the free val that is the variable that determines who wins and loses the listing.

So how do you do that?

By accepting that you are just the same and just as equal as every agent!

And by accepting that, you can make everything unique and unequal.

When every agent approaches the free val in the same way, including the order of the free val conversation, it benefits you to do something completely different.

Whilst the others are talking about their founder story, market share, portals, instead you could create the greater value your vendor need from you, or somebody like you.

How could what you know through all of your property market experiences helping other house sellers allow you to give your house sellers with a much better conversation about their circumstances, their future house move, and how precisely they should go about making the choice to move forward?

The agent who provides the best value for the prospective house seller is the one that is most likely to win the client's listing.

Remember, you are only different, if YOU are different.

Difference is in the eye of the beholder, not you