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Constipated Sales Pipelines

The bottom line is this, the stamp duty holiday ending in March means you will lose some of your deals.  

And whilst you will have some amazing commission cheques in Q1 2021, unless you do something now, Q3 & Q4 next year are going to lean months for commission. 


The fewer SSTC’s you have in your pipeline, the more reliant you are on those sales for your commission. Yet when you have more than enough sales, you can have sales fall through without harming your commission.


You have to accept are going to lose sales. Whilst you can’t stop bad things from happening, you can incessantly create new opportunities. 


It’s the business generation you do in Q1 that will get the listings in Q2 and the commission cheque in Q4 .. yet so many Valuers and Listers can’t see beyond 60 days. 


The clever listers play the long game. Just because you can convert free vals doesn’t make you an awesome estate agent … to get that status, you need to create the vals


Q. How many of the last 50 free vals came as direct result of your work? How many rang you on your mobile, emailed you direct or DM’d you on social? How many came from you chasing and tickling lost FV’s? Dont guess .. look back – you will be surprised