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Cockiness vs Confidence in Estate Agency

I have been talking on about power of personal branding for quite a while now as I believe it will improve your lot in estate/letting agency .. yet some of you are afraid to step into the limelight because you don’t want to be found wanting and criticized by people

My intuition tells me there is some truth in what you think as there is fine line with personal branding between confidence and cockiness. Get it wrong and your confidence can turn into cockiness. .. and cockiness is just self-doubt with lip gloss on. 

So I think, in this 365-24-7 social media world, we need to redefine what personal branding is, because when people hear personal branding, 80% of people think personal branding is just some guy or girl being a tw*t on social media with their camera on.. and yes there are plenty of tw*ts doing that on social media .. so how do you move forward with this?

How do you stay the right side between creating good personal branding with great confidence and bad personal branding with cockiness ?  

The first thing is to consider the phrase ‘personal branding’ itself … I would like to change it to  the word ‘reputation’ because I feel that is a better representation of what we are trying to achieve.

You see, if you are looking to improve your reputation, now all of sudden, the mists start to clear and you can start to see the light with this change of phrase

So now your mindset has possibly changed with the alteration of phrase .. lets’ look at your actions on social media to ensure you stay on the right side of the confidence vs cockiness balance

In trying to improve your personal brand (aka reputation) are your social media posts giving or are you trying to get? Are you being truthful with your posts or is just a façade to give an impression whom you pretend to be? Are you selfish …trying to get something  by posting or are you trying to give? And if you giving – are you really hoping for something in return? … Because if you are – that’s not giving .. that’s transactional …and you will always be disappointed.

Instead of chasing that potential joy of hoping to get something by giving and then it failing when you don’t get something …. why don’t you just give and have the act of giving be the thing itself .. then you will never disappointed. Nobody will owe you anything because you never expected anything by the act of giving  … and that is where true confidence comes from 

Give valuable, interesting, intriguing posts that people would miss if you stopped doing them …and you will in the long term .. win.   Why? Because you know in your heart … giver’s receive – you will in fact reap the rewards in the long term because people will be attracted to you because of your abundant confident generosity, they will start to trust you ….. and people do business with people they trust …