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Does landlord farming work?

Jeremy Bullock, letting agent in Derbyshire, has been publishing articles about his local property market for over 12 months, putting them in the newspaper, newsletters and his blog .. and now is CONSISTENTLY  getting at least 4 new landlords EVERY MONTH bring him property to let  ... 4 new landlords, every month, worth at least £4000 a year in fees ...

This is his blog

This is an example of one of his newsletters  

Let him tell you why he is getting, each and every month FOUR new landlords, MONTH IN MONTH OUT without fail, DIRECTLY from writing these articles....

..INDIRECTLY,  he believes he gets other news business from the technique

I can teach you how to write these articles on a 2 day course in getting more landlords or I can ghost write them for you.

Want know what Landlord Farming is?  These two THREE minutes videos tell you how its done

Call me on 07950 147 572 or email me on if you want more info