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Estate Agency Love Island

Ok - that sounds rather far-fetched,
yet ‘reality Tv’ does really well On TV ratings.

Humans love to watch other humans, and social media provides a quick and easy way for you to document your journey in estate agency

And by doing that, you create the chance for connection with other humans before you even meet them face to face.

I know some people take the pi$$ out of agents doing walk-and-talk videos

Yet stay with it -

And you will get a good follower

Here are a number of examples of how you can as an estate agent document your property journey:

Share your thoughts as you walk into the agency in the morning (or at night on the way home)

Share the process of launching your new listing and everything single thing that goes into it (good and bad)

Tell the world about what excites you about estate agency.

Remember do not try to sell or be Salesy.

Be authentic and be yourself, warts and all

By documenting your estate agency journey and in life in general is a awesome way to deepen your links with your followers and find new followers to follow you.