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Is this the Reason You Aren't Converting Your FV's to Listings?


Our estate agency is the best agent to sell your house because...

  1. We are the biggest agent in the town meaning we have more people registering with us
  2. We have the biggest network of agents around the UK so we have access to more buyers
  3. We have the biggest presence on Rightmove so we attract more buyers
  4. Our Photographs are taken by a Professional so show your property in the best way
  5. We do bespoke Facebook campaigns to find more buyers
  6. We sell the most houses

Noticed how it’s all WE and OUR

NO WONDER YOU ARE LOSING LISTINGS .. these agents are talking about themselves and what it means to the house seller.

Its … “we do this” ….and “this is what it means to you” ie its ‘lets us give you a fact’ then ‘try and get emotional buy in’

That is the technique 99% of estate agents use… but many of you aren't getting buy in from this technique .. are you?

You aren't getting the fee you want?

You are losing the listings to the competition.

They might be nodding on the sofa, but don’t commit. You are dropping on the house seller all your USPs and expecting them to say “Where do I sign? ….

It’s because you might be getting buy-in on a logical level .. but not emotional buy-in and people buy on emotion – not logic.

So, let me share with you a solution

Try this …. Just change the order you say things in. Tell them “Why they need it” and then “How it works”.

It’s very subtle and it goes something like this…

“The housing market has fewer buyers because fewer people are moving. As you need to get top dollar and quickly because you are moving to the posh part of town and need every penny to enable you to get your child into the nice Primary school for September .. you are going to need an agent that squeezes every last penny out the limited number of buyers out there. To ensure we cant get you moved, for top dollar, and get your little one into the school, what we do at XYZ agency is we have a bespoke Facebook campaign that puts your house in front of people who aren't even looking with a new Facebook Optimiser package. You see every agent relies on Rightmove and the normal channels to find buyers, as we do as well, yet we are like the Heineken of agents .. because on top of the normal channels to reach buyers (ie Rightmove, Zoops, etc) also reach the buyers' other agents cant reached with our unique Facebook strategy … only last week, we had a lovely 4-bed house in the nice development down the road, and with our unique Facebook search algorithm, we found a buyer for someone who wasn’t to planning to move for 6 months, but because it came up on their timeline on Facebook (because our unique fancy Facebook thinggee) .. we found a buyer that no other agent could off … because the person themselves didn’t even know they were looking until they saw it …. That’s why we are the Heineken agent … because we find buyers others simply can't reach"