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Losing the listing doesn't make you any less of an Estate Agent

 You go on a free val that you 100% know will list because you have spent ages with the vendor at a viewing, only somehow not get the signed agency agreement.

And some listings that you never believe in a month of Sundays you will get, just fall right into your lap.

You can do everything right as an Estate Agent and still not win.

You can c*ck things up from start to end at the free val and still somehow get the signed agency agreement .

Estate Agency is an emotional rollercoaster of really good highs and really deep lows as you gte 4 listings on the trot, yet lose the fifth and its like a dagger through the heart

Yet does it have to be that way?


We seem to judge on ourselves on the listing

Yet I have seen the best Estate Agents, the happiest Estate Agents detach from the outcome of the free val.

They realise that for everything you control in the Estate Agency procedure, there is another million things you don't, each of which can and will affect your aptitude to get the signed agency agreement.

You can take each free val with enthusiasm, knowing it could make your month’s target or look at your sales pipeline with pessimism, knowing it is not a done deal until it's exchanged.

Maybe you can exercise gratitude in being an Estate Agent, no matter what the result.

Particularly when you get rejected on a listing

Because the result (the listing) doesn't define you.

You are a decent human – not a % of listing target metric

Because once you retire, and eventually die, nobody will care if you made your listing target this month or any month.

Yet they will remember you for your gratefulness, composure, and good charisma.

Don’t forget - be more than the job – be you