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Soft and Fluffy Estate Agents

Estate Agents - most of you use your marketing message by starting with how you are best agent, you've got the biggest market share, best EA services in the whole world. Yet let us be frank with each for a second, it's pretty boring and most definitely uninspiring. So instead - why not tell a story? Not about you and what makes you so bloody awesome .. instead tell stories on how you and your agency has made difference to others - other people like the future house seller None of this 'my willy is bigger because I have sold this number of houses' or my agency is the best with a list of bullet points telling the world how super awesome you are .. nobody (apart from you) gives a $hit about that - they don't care That is why great stories sell. People/humans respond to the why more than your what or how's ... because that's what resonates most in our minds as human beings. Tell people how you helped people move to their dream home and it changed their lives Soft and fluffy - yes - but people will remember it (because when was the last time someone called you out for a few val because of your screen dump of Rightmove Market Share ?