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Drop the Drab Headlines or Lose Engagement


If your social media headlines suck, no matter how good your content is, it will get ignored.

There is no such thing as clickbait when your intent is good

Because delivering on the promise of the ‘attention grabbing’ headline is subjective.

Now of course if your headline says one thing and your content says another - that means your intent is poor and you will lose the attention and engagement on social

Yet if you post attention-grabbing headlines that do follow through with content that matches the eye-catching headline, then IMHO - that’s just part of trying to grab attention.

Because without attention, no matter how good the content is, it will get ignored.

Our job is to get people to buy what we sell ie sell ourselves

And what’s wrong with that?

We sell ourselves for our jobs, our love, and our money.

So you need to learn how to do eye-catching headlines online and learn to sell.

It’s tough.

Great I say… because if it were easy, everyone would be doing it