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Estate Agents - The reason your social media isn't working

So, you are in the Estate Agency business and as the boss, you decide, “We should start a blog”


You title your 1st post, “Reason to pick a High Street Estate Agent” and then continue to explain for five and a half paragraphs how remarkable your Estate Agent is and how everybody should unquestionably use a High Street Estate Agency.


The sad truth is that this sort of content exists a lot in Estate Agency. 


If its not a thinly disguised overly promotional blog post, it’s a shockingly lit photo of Neg holding a box of Milk Tray on an agency’s Facebook page with the caption, “Another happy customer”. Let’s not forget the RM pie chart or a picture of you with the number of listings and move in you have done this month


Sorry to let you down, but that content is not helping anyone with anything. 


Possibly it has a home on your personal Facebook, where you tag colleagues in FB albums and commemorate your amazing agency, yet it has no place on your agency business page.


Humans follow brands & businesses that give them value and worth.


So, if people aren’t paying attention to your social media, then here is some tough love: you are not good enough as an agent at providing people value.