Everyone Estate & Letting Agent reading this knows you have to play the long game to win at the agency game, yet deep down, f**k patience, we all and we want it now! In our world of instant dating on Tinder, instant TV on Netflix, instant shopping on Amazon, patience is a very scarce commodity. How many of us have cancelled an Uber because we don’t like to wait 9 minutes, just in case there is a car that 4 minutes away?
Patience is the one skill that is lacking in most people – yet is the silver bullet to success if done well.I often ask what people were doing 3 years ago. They tell me, to which I say, ‘it hardly seems like two minutes ago, does it?’, reply is nearly always, ’No’.
So, when I suggest to be the biggest and best agent in their town, they need to do something for 3 years to see the results, most agents balk at how long it will take, yet ironically what they doing 3 years ago is hardly anything
Recognising the time actually needed to reach certain goals in life can be helpful when you are feeling discouraged. It serves as a reminder that whilst your progress may be slow, you are still getting closer to the finish line.